Igor Vorobyov Assistant Professor Physiology and Membrane Biology Molecular modeling of membrane protein physiology and pharmacology (530) 752-3932 ivorobyov@ucdavis.edu Physiology and Membrane Bioliogy Profile
Philipp Zerbe Assistant Professor Plant Biology Unveiling the diversity of plant metabolism for plant and human health (530) 754-9652 pzerbe@ucdavis.edu Zerbe Lab Twitter 1220 LSA
Heike Wulff Professor Pharmacology Design of potassium channel modulators (530) 752-3200 hwulff@ucdavis.edu Faculty Profile 3503 Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility
David Wilson Professor Molecular and Cellular Biology Structural biochemistry (530) 752-1136 dkwilson@ucdavis.edu CBS Faculty Profile 3 Briggs Hall
Atul Parikh Professor Biomedical Engineering Biomolecular materials, synthetic chemical biology, soft condensed matter (530) 754-7055 anparikh@ucdavis.edu Parikh Lab BME Faculty Profile 3007 Ghausi Hall
Angelique Louie Professor Biomedical Engineering Molecular imaging and novel imaging probes (530) 752-7134 aylouie@ucdavis.edu Louie Lab BME Faculty Profile 3317 Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility
Kit Lam Professor Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Lymphoma, targeted therapy for cancer, molecular imaging, drug development and combinatorial chemistry (916) 734-0910 kslam@ucdavis.edu Lam Lab BMM Faculty Profile Oak Park Research Building, Sacramento Campus
Oliver Fiehn Professor Molecular and Cellular Biology Mass spectrometry and computation chemistry for metabolomics (530) 754-8258 ofiehn@ucdavis.edu West Coast Metabolomics Center CBS Faculty Profile 1313 Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility
Michael D Toney, PhD Professor Enzyme mechanisms and protein engineering mdtoney@ucdavis.edu Pubmed 2469 Chemistry Annex One Shields Avenue, Davis CA 95616
Dean J Tantillo Professor applied theoretical organic chemistry, natural products biosynthesis djtantillo@ucdavis.edu Tantillo Group http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2992-8844 4465 Chemistry Annex